And thus ends our time in Space Mexico! We’ve still got 8 weeks of comics left, though, so you’re not quite rid of me yet.
Next Week: We jump forward into the future… of the future. Future-er? Find out what that even means on Patreon.
And thus ends our time in Space Mexico! We’ve still got 8 weeks of comics left, though, so you’re not quite rid of me yet.
Next Week: We jump forward into the future… of the future. Future-er? Find out what that even means on Patreon.
It’s really hard to form coherent thoughts after back-to-back convention weekends, so instead I’ll thank everyone who stopped by my booth at the Edmonton Comic & Entertainment Expo this weekend. You all helped make it the highest-earning Edmonton Expo I’ve ever done, and certainly one of the busiest I’ve ever had. It felt like each day flew by, because I was constantly talking to people all day long.
Next Week: The mask. Read it now on Patreon!
I learned recently, at an art gallery talk about my own work, that the stuff I do in backgrounds sometimes, like in panel 2, is influenced by pop art. I knew pretty much nothing about pop art until a presentation about it in relation to comics, and, specifically, my comics. HUH. The more you know, right?
Since we’re in the middle of an apuestas match in the comic, you should check out an excellent apuestas match that took place in AAA recently. Dr. Wagner Jr. and Psycho Clown had a mascara contra mascara match that will most likely be ending up on my Match of the Year ballot for 2017. You can watch it for free on YouTube, so there’s no excuses!
Next Week: The undead make an appearance, but not riding a zombie dragon. Answer the question “what does that even mean?” on Patreon!
Apparently I forgot to update last week. I was teaching comics classes at the Winspear Centre (at a music camp. It was an odd circumstance as far as teaching about comics goes) and clearly didn’t have my head in the game for my own comics. The increasing frequency of forgetting to update is actually one of the reasons why I knew HEAT needed to wind down.
What’s just started, though, is the G1 Climax. I’ve watched almost no WWE in the last two weeks, but have watched a ton of wrestling. I’m wrapping up night 4 as I type this. It’s so good, you guys. So good.
Next Week: Tomorrow: Let’s get back on schedule with a bonus update! The aftermath of chair-smashing. Read it early on Patreon!
Trying to figure out how the physics of a chair shot look when the target is upside down was a lot harder than I expected it to be. The springboard moonsault was pretty much exactly as difficult as I thought it was going to be.
If HEAT isn’t enough wrassle comics for you, my new book Wrestlemon is exactly what the doctor ordered. Go get yourself a copy!
Next Week: The furniture continues to have an impact. On people’s anatomy. Read it early on Patreon!
As we all know, the spinning Tombstone is more powerful than a regular Tombstone, for… reasons? Wrestling!
I actually watched a New Japan show in a timely fashion, because the G1 Special aired on the Fight Network in Canada, and that channel was on free preview. That was a super fun show. I think it might be the first time I’ve watched an NJPW opening multi-man tag in 2017, which almost certainly wouldn’t have happened if it hadn’t been live on television. There’s too much wrestling, so I cherry pick a lot, and NJPW multi-man tags are an easy cut. The opener the G1 Special was a blast, though. It was like everyone decided to wrestle on fast forward. Also, Michael Elgin and Kenny Omega had a nearly five star match, so that was pretty rad.
Next Week: The third and final fall begins! Read it early on Patreon!
As I mentioned in the patron-only preview of this comic, I hate jokes that make a modern pop culture reference in a context where that doesn’t make sense, which caused me to agonize over the one-liner at the end of this one. In the end, it was much funnier than any of the other jokes I came up with, so it ended up being used. It doesn’t hurt that the phrase “Space Mexico” sounds really funny regardless of context.
Next Week: Moonsaults and El Comentarista pretending he’s very clever. Read it early on Patreon!
I’ve talked about this a few times over the years, and just recently on the Patreon preview for this page, but since I started writing HEAT I knew there was going to be a version of the Mike Tyson “I’ll eat your children” promo, which is my favourite promo in all of sports. I think my favourite thing about it is that it’s completely unrelated to anything the interviewer asks him, Tyson just suddenly psyches himself up and lets loose. Well, that and “I’ll eat his children, praise be to Allah,” because that might be the most absurd sentence ever uttered by an athlete.
See it for yourself here:
Next Week: Mascara de Oro enters, and we’ve got ourselves a stew goin’. Read it early on Patreon!
Way back in Classic Wrestling Moments 17 we were introduced to Pyramid Azteca, which was always the place where this arc was intended to end. I love the idea of large structures floating in the sky, so making the audience’s seats their own separate objects was a natural aesthetic choice.
Next Week: They let El Bastarde cut a promo, and it goes about as well as you’d think. Read it early on Patreon!
Sports talking head shows would be greatly improved by athletes storming onto the set and attacking people who said things they don’t agree with. Or if they were only on the radio, because they have pretty much nothing of visual interest happening.
Next Week: Los Ultimos Guerreros! Read it early on Patreon!
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