This scene whole scene with the Warden ended up being a ton of fun to draw, although when I was looking at it in the script I wasn’t looking forward to it. It was a nice change of pace for the comic, since it’s a few pages of talking heads. Although in retrospect I’m not sure why that was a welcome change of pace, since that’s basically the entirety of drawing my print series, Hell, Inc. That book was great for learning how to make extended dialogue interesting, visually, since there were two action scenes in the entire book. One involves a photocopier. Man is that book fun to work on. I just finished page 8 of the second issue this afternoon.
Tomorrow (Saturday, May 1st) is Free Comic Book Day. I’ll be at Happy Harbor Comics Volume 2 along with Daniel Schneider (artist of Zenescope’s Merc. Regular readers of this blog probably recognize his name even if you’ve never read a thing he’s ever done), Tony Esteves of Cigarro & Cerveja fame, colourist extraordinaire Stephanie Chan, and Julie Duczynski (who I only met briefly at the drink and draw in Calgary, but is probably also awesome if she’s hanging out with us). We’ll be doing sketches in exchange for donations to the Food Bank, so you should definitely come donate and get a purdy drawing. Rumour has it that costumes will be involved.
Next week the udpate schedule will be returning to the usual Wednesday/Saturday routine. Finally.
On Wednesday: A plan starts to come together, and there are sparkly jackets.