I was listening to the Live Audio Wrestling podcasts recapping New Japan Pro Wrestling’s G1 Climax tournament last week and John Pollock was talking about the frequency of countout teases but the lack of any actual countouts. It’s kind of the reverse of WWE’s policy of ridiculously inconsistent counts so that guys can do whatever they want on the floor without having to worry about the count, and then every few months having someone be counted out to the confusion of the audience. In HEAT, I approach countouts as an actual way that wrestlers will try to win a match. Hence Dick the Bastard piledriving a guy on the floor and then making no attempt to actually get him back into the ring, or the wild brawl from the Invincinator/Law vs. El Gangster II/Dr. Fat tag match from the Super Max Challenge.

Next Week: Buster Pallas is an angry, angry man with a ham-shaped head. Also, a G1 Climax cameo!