This strip originally featured an intense “Dick the Bastard is believing in himself” speech that didn’t seem out of place in a fighting anime. It was not very good. It got cut very quickly and replaced with a joke about Buster Pallas’ head being shaped like a ham.
In other comic news, I’ll have a new book coming back from the printers this week, which will be on sale at the Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo. The first page of a brand new collaboration is also done, which I’m excited to tell you guys about later on once I’ve got some more solid news to convey.
Next Week: Richard the Lionheart vs. Smashmouth Smith, the Galactic Television Champion.
A believe in yourself speech doesn’t seem like it would fit the situation as Dick has been killing everyone. I don’t think he lacks self-confidence but is more that he’s so stubborn he does what he wants without thinking much such as the match where he had a hurt back.
It kind of fit in the original script of the chapter, in which is ego took more of a battering, but you’re absolutely right about his personality. Thinking is not what he does.