The best strip titles are references to chants that aren’t over with the NXT crowd, right?

I’m excited by the pages that are coming up. I drew them over December and January and it was a total blast to do something that’s pretty different from you guys have seen so far in terms of the in-ring action. I was getting a little bored of the Galactic Wrestling style, and drawing Smashmouth Smith’s goddamn tattoos. Now I get to draw sweet luchador masks and dudes doing flips. Which is super fun.

Speaking of super fun: Patreon. HEAT started as a way for me to practice and develop as a cartoonist, but now it needs to sustain itself. That’s where you come in! For as little as $1 per month, you can help support HEAT AND get some cool bonus rewards, including digital and print comics, behind the scenes looks at the creative process, and even pitch wrestler ideas to be used in future HEAT comics!

Okay, plug over. Wait, never mind, because…

Next Week: Lucha is confusing. See it now on Patreon!