This page is the second splash page in HEAT, which means it’s the second time I’ve spent several hours on a page that will take you several seconds to read! But this time there’s a page break, which I’m fairly certain I’ve never done before. I tried it this time due to the power of the internet making it less of a hassle to figure out the logistics of it, as opposed to wondering how much space I need to leave for printer margins and crap like that.
Mighty Kong has a roster page now, although for some reason he isn’t appearing on the drop-down roster menu. If you click on the roster button, though, he’s there. Or you can just go here.
On Wednesday: The landing is substantially less fun than the flight. Which was more terrifying than fun. So yeah, bad landing.
I also wanna fuck buck
I knew that sign would be popular, haha.
That’a a beauty panel and I had I read it sooner, I would have mentioned the “naughty” sign. Is that the first swear in the series?