HEAT #304 – Gorilla Whompings Are Not A Career Path
on July 21, 2014 at 10:59 pmPosted In: Heat Comics
The title is true, being whomped by gorilla monsters is not a career path. It is, however, a very direct path to a hospital.
HEAT has its next match set up, now, so I guess I need to actually draw that match. HEAT gets drawn in chunks of 10-20 pages at a time. When I’m a few weeks from posting the last of those, I start another chunk. That’s where I’m at right now. I haven’t drawn any HEAT pages since… April? Something like that. I’ve been drawing cards for the card game recently, but at some point in the next week or so I’ll have to get started on the next chunk of actual comics.
Next Week: All about the big shit.