This speech seemed a lot shorter when it was just a few lines in a WordPerfect document. Then I started drawing and it turned into eleven panels’ worth of speech balloons, which is slightly below the threshold for a page driving me crazy. Seriously, fitting eleven panels on a page is this size is… let’s say challenging. Or maddening. Or idiotic
I don’t really have much else of interest to say about this page, so I’ll mention that I’m thinking about cutting the schedule back to once a week because I’m working six days a week right now. What do you guys think?
On Saturday: The Cup.
It’d suck if you really had to cut the schedule back but you got to do what you got to do.
I’m hoping that any schedule cuts will only be temporary, since I’m only working six days a week until Christmas. Next year should be able to go back to twice weekly.
Right on, man. Either way, I’m sure this comic will continue being excellent.