Japanese wrestling is fascinating. There are human beings who make a living by allowing other human beings to lift them up into the air and then slam them down on their heads. A bunch of other human beings pay money to sit in a seat that has a good view of said head-dropping.

Actually screw Japanese wrestling, HUMANS are fascinating. And fucking weird.

Also, everyone should thank/eulogize Tomoaki Honma, who provided the photo reference for Richard the Lionheart landing on his neck. The photo didn’t have any information about when it was taken, but I’m guessing it was at least two years ago, as Seiya Sanada was suplexing Honma in an All Japan ring. That wasn’t information you needed to know, but it was information you deserved to know. What does that even mean? I don’t really know. At this point I’m writing some serious stream-0f-consciousness shit in this newspost.

Next Week: Countless Asians died to bring you these head drops. Figuratively.