And thus ends our time in Space Mexico! We’ve still got 8 weeks of comics left, though, so you’re not quite rid of me yet.
Next Week: We jump forward into the future… of the future. Future-er? Find out what that even means on Patreon.
And thus ends our time in Space Mexico! We’ve still got 8 weeks of comics left, though, so you’re not quite rid of me yet.
Next Week: We jump forward into the future… of the future. Future-er? Find out what that even means on Patreon.
It’s really hard to form coherent thoughts after back-to-back convention weekends, so instead I’ll thank everyone who stopped by my booth at the Edmonton Comic & Entertainment Expo this weekend. You all helped make it the highest-earning Edmonton Expo I’ve ever done, and certainly one of the busiest I’ve ever had. It felt like each day flew by, because I was constantly talking to people all day long.
Next Week: The mask. Read it now on Patreon!
I got back from the Saskatoon Comic & Entertainment Expo a few hours ago, and am barely keeping awake at the moment. Thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth to say hi and buy books, the organizers for having me as a guest and treating me like I’m far more important than I am, and all of the old and new friends I got to hang out with.
Next Week: Who’s under the mask? I dunno, some guy. Read it early on Patreon!
I’m going to be at Saskatoon Expo on September 16th and 17th! If you’re in town, come say hi and buy some books.
Speaking of books, I’ve got a couple of book-related announcements to make. The first is regarding the HEAT: Super Max Edition TPB. It’s almost sold out! It won’t be reprinted in the near future, so if you want one, hit me up at a con or place an order ASAP.
Second, I’m going to be launching a Kickstarter campaign in the near future for the Where Is Zog? TPB. Follow my various social media outlets for up-to-date news on that.
Next Week: How to kill a zombie? Find out now on Patreon!
I learned recently, at an art gallery talk about my own work, that the stuff I do in backgrounds sometimes, like in panel 2, is influenced by pop art. I knew pretty much nothing about pop art until a presentation about it in relation to comics, and, specifically, my comics. HUH. The more you know, right?
Since we’re in the middle of an apuestas match in the comic, you should check out an excellent apuestas match that took place in AAA recently. Dr. Wagner Jr. and Psycho Clown had a mascara contra mascara match that will most likely be ending up on my Match of the Year ballot for 2017. You can watch it for free on YouTube, so there’s no excuses!
Next Week: The undead make an appearance, but not riding a zombie dragon. Answer the question “what does that even mean?” on Patreon!
I’ve returned safely from Whitehorse, YT and one of my favourite conventions, Yukomicon. Somehow, a full day of travel has resulted in me remembering to update the comic on time. No, I don’t get it either. But it’s happening, so roll with it.
A special thanks to the staff, volunteers, and attendees at Yukomicon for making the 2017 return of the show another wonderful experience. I saw a lot of familiar faces again, and introduced a lot of new folks to Hockeypocalypse and Wrestlemon.
Next Week: “You win by not letting him do THAT!” Find out what that means by becoming a patron on Patreon!
I don’t know why I started naming the Special Man Pain strips like B movie sequels, but it happened, and I’m embracing it.
Also, apologies for the late update. The entire comic is drawn up until the end, but I’ve really gotten out of the flow of updating on Mondays and keep forgetting. I mean, there are reasons that the comic is winding down, and that’s definitely a factor.
August 25th-27th, I’m going to be appearing at Yukomicon! If you’re there, you should come buy some books or art so I can continue to justify the cost of flying up there.
Next Week: We find out what’s hanging off of this here cliff. Read it early on Patreon!
It’s important that the rulebook have protocols in place in case everyone involved dies simultaneously. I wonder if that’s buried in, like, the MLB or NFL rulebook somewhere? “In the event that all the players die simultaneously, the game is a draw. And also very sad.” This was another case of having trouble building move sets for the lucha guys that aren’t arm drags or aerial moves. In hindsight, I should have watched way more lucha to analyze movesets, but also… that’s very time consuming.
Speaking of time consuming, I’m on the Sumo Hall G1 shows now. So far I’ve got two G1 matches at ***** (Naito/Ibushi and Okada/Elgin). Suzuki/Okada didn’t get there for me, though. It was excellent, but probably not even a top 5 match for me so far.
Next Week: The violence escalates. Somehow. Read it now on Patreon!
There’s no 450 splash in this one, because I didn’t think of it, somehow. Also, y’know, that would have been terrible for the story flow. But also I didn’t think of it.
In the last week I’ve written a pair of G1 Climax 27 reviews over at Voices of Wrestling, so go read those if you want to see my thoughts on nights 13 and 15 of the 237 day tournament.
Next Week: Moves that are really hard to draw happen. Find out which ones on Patreon!
It seems very appropriate for HEAT to have an NJPW-style strike exchange in a comic posted in the midst of G1 season. I’m in the process of catching up after some a couple of successful weeks of teaching comics classes, but there’s been some awesome stuff so far. I’m 6 nights in, with Elgin/Okada, Naito/Ibushi, and Goto/Ishii sitting atop my list of favourites.
Next Week: Add another mask to the trophy case! Read it early on Patreon!
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